Delicious Homemade Tomato Sauce Recipe

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Imagine sitting down to a plate of your favorite pasta, topped with a mouthwatering tomato sauce bursting with flavors. The secret behind this tantalizing dish lies in an easy, homemade tomato sauce recipe that you can whip up in no time. With just a few simple ingredients and a touch of love, you can create a delicious tomato sauce that will elevate your meals to a whole new level of scrumptiousness. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and impress your loved ones with this foolproof recipe that will have you saying goodbye to store-bought sauces forever.


To make a delicious homemade tomato sauce, you will need the following ingredients:


Fresh tomatoes are essential for a flavorful sauce. Choose ripe and juicy tomatoes, such as Roma or San Marzano, for the best results.


Onions add depth and sweetness to the sauce. You can use yellow, white, or red onions, depending on your preference.


Garlic gives the sauce a wonderful aroma and flavor. Use fresh garlic cloves, and mince or finely chop them before adding them to the sauce.

Olive oil

Olive oil is used for sautéing the onions and garlic. It adds richness to the sauce and enhances the overall taste.


Salt is an important ingredient to balance the flavors in the sauce. Use a pinch or two to enhance the natural sweetness of the tomatoes.


Adding a touch of sugar helps to counteract the acidity of the tomatoes. It also brings out their natural sweetness, resulting in a well-balanced sauce.

Herbs and spices

You can use a variety of herbs and spices to enhance the flavors of your tomato sauce. Common options include basil, oregano, thyme, parsley, and bay leaves. Experiment with different combinations to find your favorite mix.

Optional ingredients

Depending on your preferences, you can add other ingredients like red pepper flakes for some heat, grated Parmesan cheese for richness, or even a splash of red wine for depth of flavor.


To make a delicious homemade tomato sauce, follow these steps:

Blanching and peeling the tomatoes

Start by blanching the tomatoes to make it easier to remove their skins. Bring a pot of water to a boil and gently place the tomatoes in the boiling water for about 30 seconds. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the tomatoes to an ice bath to stop the cooking process. Once cooled, you can easily peel off the skins.

Chopping the onion and garlic

Next, chop the onion and mince the garlic. Aim for uniform pieces so they cook evenly in the sauce.

Sauteing the onion and garlic

Heat some olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and cook until softened and translucent. Then, add the minced garlic and cook for another minute until fragrant.

Adding the tomatoes

Dice the peeled tomatoes and add them to the saucepan. Stir everything together and let the mixture simmer for about 10 minutes to allow the flavors to meld.

Seasoning the sauce

Add salt, sugar, and your choice of herbs and spices to the sauce. Start with a small amount and adjust according to your taste preferences. Remember that it’s easier to add more seasoning later if needed, but you can’t remove it once it’s added.

Simmering the sauce

Reduce the heat to low and let the sauce simmer for at least 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. The longer the sauce simmers, the more flavorful it will become.

Blending the sauce (optional)

If you prefer a smoother sauce, you can use an immersion blender or transfer the sauce to a blender and puree it until you reach the desired consistency. Be cautious when blending hot liquids to avoid any accidents.


For a truly delicious homemade tomato sauce, consider the following tips:

Choosing the right tomatoes

Select tomatoes that are ripe and fragrant. Look for ones that are firm but slightly yielding to the touch. Avoid tomatoes that are overly ripe or mushy, as they may not produce a flavorful sauce.

Adding sweetness

If your tomatoes are not very sweet, you can add a bit more sugar to balance the acidity. Taste the sauce as it simmers and gradually add sugar until you achieve the desired level of sweetness.

Enhancing the flavors

Experiment with different herbs and spices to enhance the flavors of your tomato sauce. Fresh herbs will bring brightness, while dried herbs will add depth. Consider adding a touch of dried red pepper flakes for a hint of heat or a dash of Worcestershire sauce for umami depth.

Adjusting consistency

If your sauce is too thick, you can add a splash of water, vegetable broth, or even red wine to thin it out. Alternatively, if the sauce is too thin, let it simmer uncovered for a while longer to reduce and thicken. Adjust the consistency until it suits your preferences.

Storing and freezing

Leftover tomato sauce can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Alternatively, you can freeze it for later use. Portion the sauce into freezer-safe containers or bags, leaving some room for expansion, and freeze for up to 3 months.


Here are some popular variations of tomato sauce that you can try:

Chunky tomato sauce

Leave the diced tomatoes as they are without blending or pureeing. This sauce is perfect for those who enjoy a heartier texture in their dishes.

Marinara sauce

Marinara sauce is a classic, slightly thinner tomato sauce seasoned with garlic, onions, and various herbs. It’s commonly used in pasta dishes or as a dipping sauce.

Arrabbiata sauce

If you like some heat in your dishes, arrabbiata sauce is for you. It’s a spicy tomato sauce flavored with red chili flakes, garlic, and sometimes even a dash of red wine.

Bolognese sauce

Bolognese sauce is a rich and meaty tomato sauce that typically includes ground meat, such as beef or pork. It’s a hearty sauce that pairs well with pasta or as a filling for lasagna.

Creamy tomato sauce

To make a creamy tomato sauce, add a splash of heavy cream, half-and-half, or coconut milk to your tomato sauce. This variation adds richness and a velvety texture to your dishes.


Here are some frequently asked questions about making homemade tomato sauce:

Can I use canned tomatoes?

Yes, you can use canned tomatoes if fresh ones are not available or out of season. Opt for canned whole or diced tomatoes for the best results. Just be sure to drain the excess liquid before adding them to the saucepan.

Can I use dried herbs?

Absolutely! While using fresh herbs can provide a vibrant flavor, dried herbs work just as well. Just remember that dried herbs have a more concentrated flavor, so use smaller quantities compared to fresh herbs.

How long can I store the sauce?

Homemade tomato sauce can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Make sure to allow it to cool completely before transferring to the refrigerator.

Can I freeze the sauce?

Yes, tomato sauce freezes well. Portion it into freezer-safe containers or bags, leaving some room for expansion, and freeze for up to 3 months. Thaw the sauce in the refrigerator overnight before reheating.

Can I add meat to the sauce?

Absolutely! If you prefer a meaty tomato sauce, you can brown ground beef, pork, or even Italian sausage before adding the onions and garlic. Brown the meat first, remove any excess fat, and then continue with the recipe as usual.

With these tips and variations, you can create a delicious homemade tomato sauce that will elevate your pasta dishes, pizza, and more. Experiment with different ingredients and techniques to customize the sauce to your liking. So go ahead, grab some fresh tomatoes, and embark on a culinary adventure in your own kitchen!