5 easy steps to make a delicious homemade tzatziki sauce

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Are you in the mood for a refreshing and tangy sauce to elevate your meals? Look no further! In just five simple steps, you can craft a mouthwatering homemade tzatziki sauce that will leave your taste buds dancing. With a perfect balance of creamy Greek yogurt, crisp cucumbers, zesty lemon juice, and aromatic garlic, this sauce is the perfect accompaniment to grilled meats, pita bread, or even as a dip for your favorite veggies. So roll up your sleeves, grab your ingredients, and let’s get started on this delightful culinary adventure!


Tzatziki sauce is made up of a few simple and fresh ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need:

Greek yogurt

Start with some creamy and tangy Greek yogurt. The thick and strained consistency of Greek yogurt is perfect for creating a rich and smooth tzatziki sauce.


Grate a fresh cucumber to add a refreshing and crunchy element to your tzatziki sauce. The coolness of the cucumber pairs perfectly with the creamy yogurt.


Chop up some garlic cloves to infuse your sauce with a deliciously fragrant and slightly spicy flavor. Garlic adds depth and complexity to the overall taste of tzatziki.

Fresh dill

Add a vibrant herbaceous note to your sauce with some fresh dill. The aromatic flavors of dill perfectly complement the other ingredients and give the tzatziki a distinct Greek taste.

Lemon juice

Squeeze some fresh lemon juice to add a citrusy brightness to your tzatziki sauce. The tanginess of the lemon juice helps to balance out the creaminess of the yogurt and refreshes the palate.

Extra virgin olive oil

Drizzle some extra virgin olive oil into your tzatziki sauce for added richness and depth of flavor. The fruity notes of the olive oil enhance the Mediterranean profile of the sauce.

Salt and pepper

Season your tzatziki sauce with a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of freshly ground black pepper. These simple seasonings bring all the flavors together and give your sauce a perfect balance of taste.

Step 1: Prepare the Ingredients

Before diving into making the tzatziki sauce, it’s crucial to prepare all the ingredients properly. Here’s what you need to do:

Strain Greek yogurt

To achieve that thick and creamy consistency that tzatziki sauce is known for, strain your Greek yogurt. You can do this by placing the yogurt in a fine-mesh sieve or a cheesecloth-lined colander. Leave it to drain in the refrigerator for a few hours to remove excess moisture.

Grate the cucumber

Take a fresh cucumber, peel it, and grate it using a box grater or a food processor. Grating the cucumber helps release its refreshing juices and ensures it blends well with the other ingredients.

Chop the garlic and dill

Finely chop some garlic cloves to infuse their aromatic flavor into the tzatziki sauce. Along with the garlic, chop some fresh dill to lend its delightful herbaceous taste to the sauce.

Squeeze lemon juice

Cut a lemon in half and squeeze out its juice. This fresh lemon juice will bring a tangy and zesty quality to your tzatziki sauce. The amount of lemon juice you use can be adjusted according to your taste preferences.

Step 2: Strain the Yogurt

Now that your ingredients are prepared, it’s time to strain the Greek yogurt to achieve that perfect texture. Here’s what you need to do:

Line a colander with cheesecloth

Take a colander or a mesh strainer and line it with cheesecloth. The cheesecloth will prevent the yogurt from sticking to the colander and allow the excess liquid to drain out.

Place the colander over a bowl

Position the colander over a deep bowl or container. This will catch the liquid that drains out from the yogurt, which is known as whey.

Pour the Greek yogurt into the colander

Carefully pour the strained Greek yogurt into the cheesecloth-lined colander. Make sure it is evenly distributed and not piled up in the center.

Let it drain for a few hours in the refrigerator

Place the colander with the yogurt in the refrigerator and let it drain for a few hours. This process removes moisture from the yogurt and results in a thicker and creamier tzatziki sauce.

Step 3: Prepare the Cucumber

The next step is to properly prepare the grated cucumber for your tzatziki sauce. Follow these steps:

Peel and grate the cucumber

Start by peeling the cucumber to remove the tough skin. Then, using a grater, grate the cucumber into a bowl. Grating the cucumber ensures a finer texture and prevents any large chunks in the sauce.

Place the grated cucumber in a fine-mesh sieve

Transfer the grated cucumber to a fine-mesh sieve. This will allow any remaining moisture to drain out and prevent the sauce from becoming watery.

Press out excess moisture

With a spoon or your hands, gently press the grated cucumber against the sieve to remove excess moisture. This step is important to prevent your tzatziki sauce from becoming too watery.

Wrap the cucumber in a clean cloth to remove more moisture

For an extra step to remove any remaining moisture, wrap the grated cucumber in a clean cloth or kitchen towel. Squeeze gently to extract any remaining liquid, ensuring your tzatziki sauce maintains a thick and creamy consistency.

Step 4: Combine the Ingredients

Now that all the ingredients are prepared, it’s time to mix them together to create the flavorful tzatziki sauce. Follow these steps:

In a bowl, mix the strained yogurt and grated cucumber

Take a large bowl and combine the strained Greek yogurt with the grated cucumber. Stir them together until they are well-incorporated.

Add chopped garlic and fresh dill

Add the finely chopped garlic and fresh dill to the yogurt-cucumber mixture. The garlic adds a savory kick, while the dill brings a delightful herbal note to the sauce.

Squeeze fresh lemon juice into the mixture

Drizzle in the fresh lemon juice to add that tangy and zesty punch to your tzatziki sauce. The lemon juice not only adds flavor but also helps to preserve the vibrant green color of the cucumber.

Drizzle extra virgin olive oil

Add a generous drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. The fruity and robust flavors of the olive oil enhance the taste and texture of the tzatziki sauce.

Season with salt and pepper

Finish the sauce by seasoning it with a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of freshly ground black pepper. The salt brings out the flavors of the other ingredients, while the pepper adds a subtle hint of heat.

Step 5: Let it Chill and Serve

After combining all the ingredients, the final step is to let the tzatziki sauce chill and meld all the flavors together. Here’s what you need to do:

Cover the tzatziki sauce and refrigerate for at least 1 hour

Transfer the tzatziki sauce to a container with a tight-fitting lid. Cover it and place it in the refrigerator to chill for at least 1 hour. Chilling allows the flavors to blend and develop, resulting in a more flavorful sauce.

Allow flavors to blend

As the tzatziki sauce rests in the refrigerator, the flavors will continue to meld together, intensifying the taste. It’s a good idea to refrigerate it for a few hours or even overnight for the best results.

Serve chilled

Once the tzatziki sauce has chilled to your desired level, it’s ready to be served. The refreshing and creamy texture of the sauce is best enjoyed when it is chilled.

Garnish with fresh dill and a drizzle of olive oil

For an extra touch of freshness and presentation, garnish your tzatziki sauce with some fresh dill leaves and a drizzle of olive oil. This adds a pop of color and enhances the overall appearance of your dish.

Tips and Variations

To make your homemade tzatziki sauce unique and tailored to your taste preferences, here are some tips and variations to consider:

Add minced mint for a refreshing twist

If you want to add an extra layer of freshness to your tzatziki sauce, you can include some minced mint leaves. Mint adds a refreshing and cooling element that pairs well with the other flavors.

Adjust garlic and lemon juice to taste

The amount of garlic and lemon juice can be adjusted according to your personal taste preferences. If you prefer a milder garlic flavor, use less garlic. Similarly, if you enjoy a tangier sauce, add more lemon juice.

Experiment with different herbs like parsley or basil

While dill is the traditional herb used in tzatziki sauce, don’t be afraid to experiment with other fresh herbs. Parsley or basil can be excellent substitutes or additions for a unique twist on the classic recipe.

Use a food processor for a smoother texture

If you prefer a smoother texture for your tzatziki sauce, you can use a food processor instead of grating the cucumber. Process the cucumber until it reaches your desired consistency before adding it to the yogurt.

Serve with warm pita bread, vegetables, or as a dipping sauce

Tzatziki sauce is incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways. Serve it alongside warm pita bread as a dip, use it as a condiment for grilled meats and vegetables, or drizzle it over salads for some extra flavor.


Making a delicious homemade tzatziki sauce is easier than you might think. By following these simple steps, you can create a creamy and flavorful sauce that will elevate any dish or snack. With its refreshing cucumber, tangy lemon juice, aromatic garlic, and fragrant dill, tzatziki sauce is a perfect accompaniment to a wide range of cuisines. So, gather your ingredients, follow the steps, and get ready to enjoy the authentic taste of homemade tzatziki sauce!